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Feed your passion for the countryside

Insight, analysis & expertise from 30 of the best countryside writers producing exclusive columns every day.

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30 of the best countryside writers producing exclusive columns every day

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Scribehound gives 30 of the best countryside writers total creative freedom to write about the things that matter the most to them.


Scribehound is a space where the most important conversations about the countryside can take place, as decided by the writers, without influence from an editor: the internet's Village Hall.
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Daily reads

Get your daily dose of the countryside with one original column every day from one of these 30 brilliant rural minds.

The countryside.
It's not what you do,
it's who you are

Expert features
Expert features that are a great read, directly from countryside people who know what they are talking about.

– current subscriber

Brilliantly executed!
The range, depth and quality of the articles is unlike anything I’ve been able to access before. Great concept brilliantly executed!

– current subscriber

Realistic, unpompous
“A publication that educates people about the rural world in a realistic, unpompous and unpatronising way.”

– current subscriber

Your 30 columnists

You'll hear from a community of writers who live the topics that they write about. With Scribehound, you can directly interact with the writers, helping you explore the topics they write about.


Mark Firth

David Gower

Sarah Farnsworth

Megan Rowland

Giles Catchpole

Emily Graham

Marcus Janssen

Owen Williams

Jonathan Carter

Ian Coghill

George Browne

Charlie Jacoby

Andy Ford

Charlie Flindt

Claire Taylor

Marcus Armytage

Matt Harris

Patrick Galbraith

Francis Fulford

Peter McLeod

Richard Negus

Sam Carlisle

Patrick Laurie

The Daily Read

As a subscriber, you'll have access to the latest features from our brilliant columnists. There is a new feature every day, so you are always feeding your passion.

The Scribehound App

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4.8 (200 ratings)

Absolutely love Scribehound, it's fantastic and with a great selection of articles for the reader to find. It loads well even if your WiFi is still powered by Stephenson's rocket and gives me a slice of home when away at sea serving the crown on one of his war canoes.  
Please keep it up Scribehound team! If you are reading this deciding whether to download or not, please do download, it is worth every penny.

– Jimmy Ball the 1st, App Store

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Thinking of someone else?

Feed someone else's passion with exclusivity, insight, & expertise from 30 of the best countryside writers

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